Using The Blood Moon As Companion To Grow And Expand

Using The Blood Moon As Companion To Grow And Expand

What is a Blood Moon, and how do you use it as a growth companion?

The blood moon occurs during a lunar eclipse that coincides with a full moon. During this event, sunlight filters through Earth's shadow on the Moon, causing it to take on a red or copper colour. This gives the moon a mystical appearance.

In ancient times and scriptures, some feared an evil presence or doomsday annunciation. But as Blood Moons have been occurring annually for millennia, it is time to get out of the fear base and discover how to work with its energy.


The Blood Moon is an invitation to work on your shadow when using the Moon as a growth and expansion companion.

Just like the Sun shines light through Earth's shadow, you are invited to shine through your own shadow. Now, let us be clear: your shadow doesn't have to be seriously dark or dramatic, so you should not fear it or think that you will have to experience pain or heaviness when working on it.

Many shadows are hiding in your limiting beliefs and patterns; they are not demons or evil, but they prevent you from spreading your wings, feeling free to be, daring to seize opportunities or experiencing repetitive hurtful relationships, amongst other things. 

Changing beliefs and patterns may sometimes be uncomfortable, but what is a moment of discomfort when it improves your life?

It may be time to find a cosy place to sit and grab your journal for some shadow exploration.

Moon Cycle Power: The Blood Moon

If you want to work with the Blood Moon, choose your topic according to your priorities and stress level. 

If you are overwhelmed or already processing a lot right now, don't add a new topic to work on. Again, the Blood Moons are happening every year. In 2025, we have two of them; in some years, we even have four. So, be gentle with yourself and remember there is more than one opportunity per year to benefit from Blood Moon energy.

Process what is currently happening in your life, whether blockages, fears, or another issue. Ask your soul and guides to help you gain clarity, see what you do not see, or give you pointers to help you feel more trustful, confident, compassionate, or at peace with yourself and others.

Moon Cycle Power: The Blood Moon

At any given time, a Full Moon symbolises fertility, transformation, completion, and abundance. 

A Full Moon invites you to reap the rewards of your efforts and celebrate your achievements. However, it also encourages you to reflect on what hasn't worked out as you expected. Consider whether fear, desire for control, unrealistic plans, need recognition, or self-sabotage influenced some of your expectations.

Additionally, take the time to balance your accomplishments with the joy, connections with others, and love you have allowed into your life.

  • Did you only focus on achievements and victories? There may be a hidden need for recognition or control.
  • Did you focus only on what others needed? If so, you may need to set boundaries and allow "no" to enter your vocabulary.
  • Did you allow yourself to express your needs? Did you listen when others expressed theirs?
  • Ask your higher self: what else could you explore right now?


Moon Cycle Power: The Blood Moon

A Blood Moon amplifies the natural Full Moon energy, allowing you to see what you usually bypass, overlook or try to ignore should you decide to work on your shadows.

With the Blood Moon, Earth undergoes its shadow process. Consequently, more significant healing can co-occur when more people work harmoniously with her.

When you focus on an issue or belief, you don't realise that many others are working on similar challenges. Their sources of struggle and experiences may differ, but the underlying frequency and wounds they are trying to heal are often the same. We are all interconnected as humans, part of the animal kingdom, and beings living on Earth, whether we recognise it or not.

By harnessing the energies of the Blood Moon, you join a collective effort, even if you don't know the others involved. Earth functions as a living entity, processing these same frequencies alongside you.

This interconnectedness is pretty powerful! If you allow me to use the metaphor, instead of being the only one paddling to move a fully loaded carrier boat, you now have hundreds, if not thousands, of rowers by your side, all pushing through to raise the frequency of the wound or pattern you are working on. This makes the ride easier, less heavy (even if you feel some heaviness), and more prone to positive outcomes.

While you may not see or sense the power of that collective work, it exists and using the Blood Moon as a milestone to do your shadow work will help you benefit from that uplifting energy.


When are the Blood Moons in 2025

We will have two blood moons this year, one welcoming Spring between March 13 and 14 and one welcoming Autumn on September 7.


Can I see the Blood Moon where I am?

The Blood Moon will appear for most people around the globe; however, some may see it better than others.

To witness the lunar eclipse, you can check the comprehensive page prepared by, which gives you the exact schedule for your location.

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